Exhibition: More Members’ Inspirations

What inspires an artist? Read on to discover how the theme ‘Opposites Attract’ inspired these Feltmakers Ireland members.

The Series

The complete series of posts on our Members’ Inspiration can be found here:

  1. Includes: Sandra Reynolds, Sandra Coote, Patricia Conroy, Hélène Dooley, Maria Mc Garry, and Audry Murray.
  2. Includes: Astrid Tomrop-Hofmann, Breda Fay, Lory Cotti Cottini, Neasa Ryan, Ramona Farrelly, and Ursula Heiting-Wiese.
  3. Includes: Heather Byrne, Tamzen Lundy, Bernie Hennessy, Adrienne Dempsey, and Joanne Turner.
  4. Includes: Claire Merry, Caitríona Nolan, Margaret Ryan Collins, Caoimhe Tuthill, and Fiona Leech.
  5. Includes: Jane Fox, Elizabeth Redding, Joanne Foley, Sandra Chase, and Loli Cox.
  6. Includes: Valerie Nowak-O’Ceallaigh, Helena Mc Guinness, Eithne O’Dea, Eva Salamon, and Juliane Gorman.
  7. Includes: Irina Lampadova, Karena Ryan, Annika Berglund, Marie Dunne, Elaine Peden, and Marika Miklosi Manning.

Jane Fox

Jane Fox – ‘Wool Moth – Garden Tiger’

The idea of creating a moth in wool came about after I was thinking about what the opposite of feltmaking is and what do textile artists really dislike or fear.

Many people are only familiar with the clothes moth (Tineola bisselliella) or house moth (Endrosis sarcitrella) but don’t realise that there are over 1400 species of moths in Ireland, including the beautiful Garden Tiger (Arctia caja). Only two of these moths will eat your clothes. Many are large and colourful but only come out at night, so they are seldom seen.

Sadly, there is a trend towards the use of plastic grass, non-native plants and paving, which has led to a significant decline in these important pollinators.

Elizabeth Redding

Elizabeth Redding – ‘Day and Night’

I chose the theme of ‘Day and Night’ as opposites, as each attracts their own. The daytime sun attracts butterflies, bees, birds, and flowers. The moon at night attracts many nocturnal animals and birds.

Joanne Foley

Joanne Foley – ‘Pebbles’

In my felt art for this ‘Opposites Attract’ exhibition, l explored the profound bond that l had with my beloved dog Pebbles, who sadly passed away a year ago. Upon her passing, l preserved a portion of her fur with the intention of some day crafting a poignant felted portrait which l would felt her fur into.

The theme of this exhibition resonated deeply with me, providing the perfect impetus to embark on this heartfelt creation.

Unlike the docile nature of sheep, Pebbles was a spirited and independent soul, who possessed an unwavering individuality. She was very much her own ‘dog’ and would make up her mind very determinedly about what other canines she liked and didn’t, much to my great embarrassment.

This piece serves as a testament to her beautiful, unique character and is a tribute to my cherished companion, Pebbles, who touched my life in so many ways and whom I miss dearly.

Sandra Chase

Sandra Chase – ‘Best Friends’

These best friends have very different, even opposite personalities. The dog chases, and the cat runs. On arrival home, the dog shows excitement of your return by jumping, dancing in circles, and paying you lots of attention. The cat will show you that she appreciates your presence but in a quieter, less excited way. In the right environment, they put their differences aside and become Best Friends.

Loli Cox

Loli Cox – ‘Yin Yang Ewe’

‘Yin Yang Ewe’ was inspired by the belief that everything in the universe consists of two forces that are opposing but complementary. One cannot exist without the other, but together, the black and white sheep create an idyllic Irish countryside.

We hope that you enjoyed learning about what inspires these artists. ‘Opposites Attract’ is at the Phoenix Park Visitors Centre until the 26th of May.

The gallery is open from 10 AM until 4 PM daily.

Disclaimer for Feltmakers Ireland Blog

Feltmakers Ireland aims to share information about awards, education, events, exhibitions, and opportunities that you will find interesting. Our sharing is neither paid for by nor an endorsement of these individuals or organisations.

Contact Us: If you have any concerns about content, please email us at feltmakersie@gmail.com.

Questions: For questions about content, please follow the link to the organisation involved in hosting the event.

Exhibition: Photos from ‘Opposites Attract’

On Saturday, the 4th of May, Feltmakers Ireland opened their group art exhibition, ‘Opposites Attract,’ at the Phonix Park Visitors’ Centre. Friends, family, and other supporters kindly came to cheer us on!

A Few Photos from the Gallery

Above photos by Fiona Leech

Tom Watts from the Design and Crafts Council of Ireland (the DCCI) inaugurated our opening by speaking about the importance of wool as a sustainable material and how craft and design are interwoven. He added that he was impressed with the qualities, techniques, and ideas of the exhibited pieces.

Tom Watts spoke at the opening.

Interestingly, he wore a pair of vintage Nike Air Footscape Woven Trainers that contained felt!

Members Alongside Their Work

Our trusty photographer was busy chatting with other members, so she only managed to snap some of our members alongside their work.

Videos of the Work

A short video of the opening is on the Guild’s Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channels.

A longer video of each artist’s work is here on YouTube.

Members’ Inspiration

There is a series of seven blog posts about each artist’s inspiration.

  1. Includes: Sandra Reynolds, Sandra Coote, Patricia Conroy, Hélène Dooley, Maria Mc Garry, and Audry Murray.
  2. Includes: Astrid Tomrop-Hofmann, Breda Fay, Lory Cotti Cottini, Neasa Ryan, Ramona Farrelly, and Ursula Heiting-Wiese.
  3. Includes: Heather Byrne, Tamzen Lundy, Bernie Hennessy, Adrienne Dempsey, and Joanne Turner.
  4. Includes: Claire Merry, Caitríona Nolan, Margaret Ryan Collins, Caoimhe Tuthill, and Fiona Leech.
  5. Includes: Jane Fox, Elizabeth Redding, Joanne Foley, Sandra Chase, and Loli Cox.
  6. Includes: Valerie Nowak-O’Ceallaigh, Helena Mc Guinness, Eithne O’Dea, Eva Salamon, and Juliane Gorman.
  7. Includes: Irina Lampadova, Karena Ryan, Annika Berglund, Marie Dunne, Elaine Peden, and Marika Miklosi Manning.

The Phoenix Park Visitors’ Centre Gallery was open seven days a week, from 10 AM to 4 PM. Each day, a member volunteered her time to share the wonder of feltmaking and chat with the visitors. Over a thousand people visited our show!

Disclaimer for Feltmakers Ireland Blog

Feltmakers Ireland aims to share information about awards, education, events, exhibitions, and opportunities that you will find interesting. Our sharing is neither paid for by nor an endorsement of these individuals or organisations.

Contact Us: If you have any concerns about content, please email us at feltmakersie@gmail.com.

Questions: For questions about content, please follow the link to the organisation involved in hosting the event.

Exhibition: Three More Days Until ‘Opposites Attract’ Opens

Feltmakers Ireland’s group exhibition, ‘Opposites Attract,’ opens at the Phoenix Park Visitors Centre in three days.

Here is a Sneak Peek of seven pieces that will be displayed. Can you guess what some of these felted artworks might contain?

We will share glimpses of other members’ artworks tomorrow!

Only TWO more days until Saturday! The opening is at 3 PM.

Disclaimer for Feltmakers Ireland Blog

Feltmakers Ireland aims to share information about awards, education, events, exhibitions, and opportunities that you will find interesting. Our sharing is neither paid for by nor an endorsement of these individuals or organisations.

Contact Us: If you have any concerns about content, please email us at feltmakersie@gmail.com.

Questions: For questions about content, please follow the link to the organisation involved in hosting the event.