Exhibition: Opposites Attract – Inspiration

This is the final instalment of Feltmakers Ireland artists’ inspiration towards the ‘Opposites Attract’ theme.

The Series

The complete series of posts on our Members’ Inspiration can be found here:

  1. Includes: Sandra Reynolds, Sandra Coote, Patricia Conroy, Hélène Dooley, Maria Mc Garry, and Audry Murray.
  2. Includes: Astrid Tomrop-Hofmann, Breda Fay, Lory Cotti Cottini, Neasa Ryan, Ramona Farrelly, and Ursula Heiting-Wiese.
  3. Includes: Heather Byrne, Tamzen Lundy, Bernie Hennessy, Adrienne Dempsey, and Joanne Turner.
  4. Includes: Claire Merry, Caitríona Nolan, Margaret Ryan Collins, Caoimhe Tuthill, and Fiona Leech.
  5. Includes: Jane Fox, Elizabeth Redding, Joanne Foley, Sandra Chase, and Loli Cox.
  6. Includes: Valerie Nowak-O’Ceallaigh, Helena Mc Guinness, Eithne O’Dea, Eva Salamon, and Juliane Gorman.
  7. Includes: Irina Lampadova, Karena Ryan, Annika Berglund, Marie Dunne, Elaine Peden, and Marika Miklosi Manning.

Irina Lampadova

Irina Lampadova – ‘Super soft neck poncho’

Success and Failure are the products of the same process.

I enjoy the magical process of felting. Experimenting with different colours, mixing and blending of natural little fibres that are joined together into an inseparable fabric gives a feeling of mindfulness and satisfaction.

Karena Ryan

Karena Ryan – ‘Eclipsed’

‘Eclipsed’ represents a time to bask in the glow – be luminous.

Over 5000 years ago our ancient Irish astronomers were predicting solar eclipses and welcomed this festival of light with the world’s oldest known solar eclipse carved on stone megaliths at Loughcrew Cairn, County Meath. What may have been important has been overshadowed by what actually matters and what now radiates are new opportunities and fresh beginnings.

Annika Berglund

Annika Berglund – ‘Getting to know the other’

In life, between birth and death, we experience many ups and downs; we feel joy and despair.

However much we would like to only have the good times, they would not be the same if things were never bad. Achievement is not as satisfying without the risk of failure.

Focussing on the positive but accepting the balance of opposing forces in our lives might be a path to harmony and growth.

Marie Dunne

Marie Dunne – ‘Lava flow’

The volcanic eruption on the Reykjanes peninsula in Iceland in March 2024 was the inspiration for my piece ‘Lava Flow’. Hot and Cold. Fire and Ice.

Elaine Peden

Elaine Peden – ‘Formations in Colour’

“A life lived in colour where there is “”no opposite””. I am currently investigating the abstraction of the idea of ‘Opposite’, looking at the absence of colour.

How colour can create an emotional response and when colour is blended.

‘Opposite’ becomes ‘One'”

Marika Miklosi Manning

Marika Miklosi Manning – ‘Felted study, untitled’

The challenge here was to combine felt work with another material of opposing characteristics and create a harmonious piece of work. I chose nylon string 0.50mm thick/ 12kg, usually used for suspending objects or fishing, etc. I see this piece as a study to see how the two materials can be combined to complement each other. The soft felt as a background to the qualities of the unyielding nylon string, which, through that combination, creates patterns of transparent 3D circles.

We hope that you enjoyed learning about what inspires these artists. ‘Opposites Attract’ is at the Phoenix Park Visitors Centre until the 26th of May.

The gallery is open from 10 AM to 4 PM daily. On Sunday, the 26th the show closes at 2 PM.

Disclaimer for Feltmakers Ireland Blog

Feltmakers Ireland aims to share information about awards, education, events, exhibitions, and opportunities that you will find interesting. Our sharing is neither paid for by nor an endorsement of these individuals or organisations.

Contact Us: If you have any concerns about content, please email us at feltmakersie@gmail.com.

Questions: For questions about content, please follow the link to the organisation involved in hosting the event.

Exhibition: ‘Opposites Attract’ Update and Countdown with Sneak Peeks


Feltmakers Ireland has recently learned that the Phoenix Park Visitors’ Centre is not open on Mondays or Tuesdays. However, visitors can visit the guild’s exhibition the rest of the week, from Wednesdays through Sundays, from 10 AM until 4 PM.

Our opening ceremony will be at 3 PM on Saturday, the 4th of May. Tom Watts of the Design and Crafts Council of Ireland (DCCI) will officially open our exhibition with a brief speech.

Feltmakers Ireland’s annual exhibition, ‘Opposites Attract,’ features 38 pieces from our members. The artworks range from naturalistic landscapes to abstract pieces, from wearables to wall art. Here are seven ‘sneak peeks’ from our members to whet your appetite!

Sneak Peeks:

We will share glimpses of other members’ artworks tomorrow! Only four more days until Saturday!

Disclaimer for Feltmakers Ireland Blog

Feltmakers Ireland aims to share information about awards, education, events, exhibitions, and opportunities that you will find interesting. Our sharing is neither paid for by nor an endorsement of these individuals or organisations.

Contact Us: If you have any concerns about content, please email us at feltmakersie@gmail.com.

Questions: For questions about content, please follow the link to the organisation involved in hosting the event.